Olympiad programming

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    Our CyberSchool has developed a starting (zero) module for children participating in olympiads (programmers must number from zero!) - materials for quickly and easily entering a real course of algorithms.

    This module includes not only Tasks but Tips and Analysis as well and has special places as a self-instruction manual - there are answers to all questions. Even for the simplest programs, fragments of the solution and a lot of mathematics are given, which will be for the children`s benefit.

    * Duration - 3 months.

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    Този сайт използва бисквитки и подобни технологии. При избор на „Приемам” Вие потвърждавате, че сте прочели и се съгласявате с нашата употреба на „бисквитки”, както е посочено в Политика за използване на „бисквитки”.